Wednesday, November 16, 2005


A very short, but very nice practice this morning. It was sweet, and full of small nice subtle sensations from the morning. The body in the AM is so vibrant, so lively. So full of interesting things - exactly the way ideal and pleasant mindfulness should be. I thought to myself, It's sittings like that get me to the Practice. Not long enough - they never are, in the AM. In the PM, they're too long, excruciating, and gripping....

Thought, If I have enough of these sittings, I'll be able to approach all Practice with equanimity...because my mind will remember the good ones. And also thought, if I could engage it enough to see the sensual pleasure of a quiet, light, vivid sitting, it may be convinced to eventually give up the sense pleasure of getting engaged in thinking, Replay, Echo, Storytelling, and be greedy for fully engaging the present moment.

Two potential problems with this:

*Samatha practice sometimes makes me cranky when I have to leave it. Annoyances re: nterruptions at work, or getting hooked into conversations that go on and on against my desire get intensified. In fact, was getting annoyed just now, but reminded myself to look at the listening and look at the rising of annoyance.

*A serious craving problem might arise in which, if the mind gets hooked on all the good sittings, it'll lose focus, stability, and detachment in sensually unpleasant sittings. Just like the recent and prolonged situation with "Real Practice" vs. "Fake Practice".

What a perfect delivery of lessons in greed and aversion! Two Dhammas a day!


General dryness making us irritated. Eyes, nose, throat, mouth, skin, face, other things, tight esophagus, hard to breath. Very tense - hard to wake up with tight lungs - feels like a nic withdrawal, though we know that physiologically, in couldn't possibly be. I'm doing a better job this year of unwinding after work to be productive for "second shift," in what we call the Twilight between office and home. But that's because the radiators aren't full blown yet! Let's try to carry this wisdom through.

Drink water (but not too much), get a humidifier for office & home, moisturize face often, wear lip balm, and beyond that - mindfulness and equanimity, eh? ;)


Today is Day 19 of Not Smoking.

Everyone is being really, really, really nice to me. I'm sort of scared when the kamma is too good like this, but I'll take it as a reminder to be really, really, really nice myself, and more importantly, to cultivate enough compassion and lovingfriendliness to serve as the soil, the base, the root of all my actions - whether they look nice or not.
Surprisingly really nice: PS, NJ, SC
Nice: JC, IS, GR, SB


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