Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Day Twenty-Three

*Got angry today again at C (HR), and got I onto phone to vent. Even she thought I was being a bit much…then I asked – ‘Do you think I’m annoyed because somebody interrupted my lunch to send me out into the rain and get theirs?’ She laughed, and said, ‘mmm..yeah.” I had to laugh too.

*Got mad at J as well (do they work in tandem?), but held my tongue and merely looked annoyed. He called to apologize. I said furiously, ‘I don’t want you to be sorry! I want you to be good!’ and explained to him that I left the eyes in his head because Mars was in retrograde – that it wasn’t his fault, he wasn’t alone, there was something wrong with hundreds of men, but they all need to put a cap on it.

*Got mad at P a lot. Again and again.

*Last night, I couldn’t help thinking after Practice that, how nice it felt to feel obligated to do less, and hence, I was able to have a Practice of More. And that we were always making lists and action plans to do more, but never to do less. I hereby make a resolution to do less.

* In perfect timing, I call Her today, and we talk about Thanksgiving. The conversation gets subtly high-pressure fast. ‘Are you coming home Wednesday?’ (I’m still in the office Wednesday. We were given an ‘unofficial’ half day yesterday, but she didn’t know that.) I say no. ‘Are you coming home Thursday?’ (If I’d had invitations, they’d be on Thursday. Not to mention everyone and their mom would be traveling Thursday.) I say I’m not sure. Broke a precept, but at the time, I really wasn’t sure. ‘Thursday night or Friday morning?’ I repeat I wasn’t sure. ‘Well, if you were coming on Friday, it’d be Friday morning, right? There’s no point coming home Friday night.’ I once again repeat that I wasn’t sure. A new function for cells should be that you make a voice recording that can be accessed and played into the phone at will.

She talks about going over to M’s house. It’s his son J’s birthday. I don’t want to go; I have no desire to see them. She says I don’t have to go if I don’t want, and I get annoyed that they’re going on Saturday. I’ll be stranded in L., whereas I could be in NYC doing more work. (Akin to what Bh. R calls the “neurotic push toward the future,” except my Attachment is called “neurotic need to maximize.” For me, it largely pertains to time, but it could be easily about material goods or learning or whatever.)
When she tells me that I don’t have to go if I don’t want to, she adds, ‘Okay, stay home and Practice.’ I hate that. Always maximizing time, always pushing people to be doing something. Even the zeal to meditate is from a greed to be Doing Something. I realize this when she pushes meditation on me as Something To Do. Hate that – would turn anyone from Practicing. But I realize I have that same problem. That I may have gotten it from her. But statute of limitations has run out on childhood accountability. My job now is really to just see that for what it is, and unlearn it.

In fact, I’m doing this blog even now to be Doing Something.

I say, “I’ll see who’s around and free to hang.” She correctly names a childhood friend who now permanently resides in L., “L.?” I get annoyed that she’s right, and also that she’s not listening. I repeat, “I’ll see who’s around and free to hang.” She tries a different tack. ‘You really should go to M.’s house.’

~~ PRACTICE LOG ~~ | Last Up'd 11.29.05: 10:40 PM

Day One was a Monday. Week cycles from Mondays to Sundays.

Days One thru Seven: Regular Retreat schedule at the Bhavana Monastery

Days Eight thru 16: Practice not logged. Generally irregular and sporadic. Busy at nights, and trouble rising with discipline in the AM.

Days 13 & 14: Practiced a little at Godstow in Connecticut. Read some Dhamma, but mostly wasted time on TriCyle. Good Work MFNS sometimes.

DAY 17:
AM: 10 m. : nice, doggy mindish, but not a struggle. light but vivid.
DAy 18:
AM: 30 m: very doggy mind. Sometimes stepped out to watched the chaos, mostly caught up in it. Tried to work on cultivating loving the sensuality of feeling in the present moment, but Harry Potter festivities were still aglow this morning.
PM: 20 m. Torpor like crazy. Very excruciating. Fell asleep on my meditation mat. Thought about fighting the torpor like doing duthanga. Gave up. Woke up at 4:30 AM. Thought it was a great chance to get back on monastery time, and also get in a fat chunk of Practice. Meditated for like a minute, and mind talked me into laying down in the bed for just ten minutes. Maybe twenty. Which meant, of course, that I slept all the way to 7:33 and felt like a dog whenever I touched consciousness during that time. Snuggled between the soft fuzzy covers and the silky, chilly pillowcase, thought to myself two things, 1. "Mmmmmm......goooooood," and 2. "Isn't this one oBut got in a tiny practice when I did get up, which takes us to....

DAY 19: 30 m.: Trying to not have guilt over weird Practice intervals since last night. Light and still doggy-mindish. Following in and out with more depth and frequency than last few days. Wrote my NaNoWriMo novel while sitting though. I feel confident about it! Vassarlike school, Siddhartha Gotama, winged peoples, archival libraries, young academic wimmin. Let's hit the keyboard!

DAY 21: 1 DAY: Loka Chantha
Just like Bhavana. Fought off torpor and doggy-mind. Things only really came together in the last hour, but we willfully and deliberatly chose to indulge in thoughts. Too bad for my practice, but came up with great ideas on decorating the apt for Thanksgiving. Walking Practice has colossally improved fr the 10/28 Retreat. Can do an entire hour without ridiculous doggy-mind. Really finding Walking and Standing to enhance practice.

DAY 22: PM: 1 HR
Doggy mind at the beginning. Lots of tension left over fr office; some of it related to dryness. Tense lungs. Anger about I. Got very hot towards the end; started stepping over into stillness. Alarm went off. Went into overtime. Nice, but faded out. It arises and falls. Not labeling so much today, or looking. Heartbeat and tense lungs so prominent, that not much effort required to see them. Very strong nicotine Jonesing symptoms. Rested first when I got home & ate. Listened to Rodzina. Poor Karen Cushman - I never give her a chance, and she impresses me every time. Lovely.
Had been discouraged b/c I forgot about Bh. R's suggestion re: 1-Minute Meditation. And had had a full day w/o Practicing. Though I tried to watch my mind a lot today, b/c pple at the office had been pissing me off. And very aware of lungs.

Day 23: AM: 30 m: Nice, lots of breathing & beating sensation. A nice waking up - had chaotic, emotional thoughts, and then saw - 'Hey, they're just thoughts." Lots of subtle breathing & chest tension &heartbeat sensations when I awake. Today, I wanted to have tea and do chores b/w waking & Practice, but it'd be nice to go straight through. Missed 2 duthangas - renouncing sweet, dark drinks & showing up to work on time. Being late makes me contemplate how i spend my evenings - from which the fall out is morning dawdling.
Days 27 & 28: Lancaster: Lots of Practice. Hot. Doggy-minded. Got in a lot of reading on Kornfield's LBM, esp. to re-clarify my grasp on Mahasi. Looking at Sunlun Sayadaw, too. I like how their sessions start - almost an incremental passing from gross to fine of vedanas - close to how Bh. R teaches. Mahasi might be able to fish me back from this persistent dogginess. Woof.

Day 29 & 30: No Sitting Practice. Post Thanksgiving & travel wind-down. Trying to implement word and seeing Practice - two major forms of practice neglected in formal institutions - except that Mahasi, for an intelligent and agile persyn who can extrapolate and apply to logical extreme, can carry through to all postures and actions. I am not this persyn. Which is why I have to establish piecemeal resolutions of Word Practice and Seeing Practice.
Woke up and the usual flurry of guilt, exhaustion, questioning what I should do, even speedthinking planning my evening to get over the guilt of not getting out of bed from fatigue - had a clear moment of "Hey, you can redeem this moment by Being in the Present Moment." Bh. R's words came back to me. "Neurotic push toward the future."

Day 34: AM: 30 M. PM: 1 HR.
Nice. That tense post-oily food, dry-winter indoor-heating systems feeling that used to make me smoke. Now makes for a nice vibratory, very interesting sitting. Enough discomfort to intrigue me. Quite interesting. Maybe another hour tonight, before we sleep.